
Indigenous knowledge and stewardship is an absolute necessary and essential to conservation efforts. We cannot coexist with nature and wildlife without having indigenous values and influence in the places where environmental justice is being created.

“When Indigenous people are on the land and making decisions about land management, biodiversity increases.” https://umaine.edu/news/blog/2021/04/21/indigenous-stewardship-should-be-central-to-conservation-efforts-international-study-finds/

Mt. Tolman in Mining in Keller Washington

Midnight Mine on the Spokane Reservation in Washington

No DAPL demonstration on the Standing Rock Reservation North Dakota

Indigenous people have been living one with Mother Earth and all her children since the begin of time. We have a duty to take care of all that she provides, so that we may all continue to exist on Mother Earth. It is time to get back to our traditional and necessary ways of living. It is time to return the lands to those who were charged with protecting her. It is time to return stewardship to the indigenous peoples.